Alex Mitchell
Monstrous Weather’d | Custom software exhibit
The week the internet went down, so many of us sat around marvelling at the weird weather and telling scary stories. One story led to another, all around the world. Now we are collecting summaries of these stories.
That was the premise for Monstrous Weather, a netprov (networked improvisation) organized by Meanwhile… netprov studio (Rob Wittig and Mark Marino) from 20 July – 10 August 2016 1 . The netprov took place in a Google group 2 , and resulted in a set of 159 contributions from 22 authors, collectively acting as “The Cloud Farmers”. A work-in- progress, Monstrous Weather’d is a screen-based hypertextual retelling/adaptation of the netprov, attempting both to recapture the experience of the original networked performance, and to weave together a coherent narrative from the fragmented collection of stories shared across the Internet over a period of three weeks by collaborators from around the world.
Alex Mitchell teaches interactive media design in the Department of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Alex’s current research investigates various aspects of computer-based art and entertainment, focusing in particular on interactive stories. His creative work has been shown at Graphite 2004, the Creative Curating Lab, the Displacements exhibition, Passports: Through the Red Dot Into Other Worlds, Seni Mini, Print Lab, Interstitium, and Repurposing Nostalgia. His fiction has been published in Dark Tales, Balik Kampung 2, and in several issues of the Twenty-Four Flavours series, a collection of flash fiction published by Math Paper Press.