Eric Kerr and Olivier Perriquet
Haw Par Villa: An Eidetic Prosthesis | 3D model projection
The project, which is named after Singapore's Tiger Balm Garden, is an installation of virtual reality, inspired by the Aw brothers' universe, which creates an immersive, dream-like, hazy, and troubling experience. From shots and captures in Singapore, a set of sculptures and scenes of the park will be modelled in 3D to create a kind of composite dynamic diorama in the virtual space, which evokes the psyche when it takes forms that are not fully conscious, such as when looking for a memory or during dreams. The project is an art-philosophy collaboration and currently a work-in-progress.
Eric Kerr is Research Fellow in the Science, Technology and Society Cluster at the Asia Research Institute and teaches at Tembusu College, National University of Singapore. His work centres on the philosophy of technology and social epistemology with a focus on the petroleum engineering industry in Southeast Asia. Eric has published on topics including scientific evidence, engineering epistemology, survey methods, and applied and cross-cultural philosophy. He is Book Review Editor at Social Epistemology and the Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective. He is a co-founder and board member of the Society for Philosophy of Information. He received his PhD from the University of Edinburgh and has taught in the UK and the US before moving to Singapore. He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Vienna and TU Delft.
Olivier Perriquet is an artist and a research scientist. He is interested in the materiality of images and their relation with thoughts and body, through its most mysterious manifestations as in memory or during dreams. He has been experimenting with live cinema and in installation for over ten years, with systems of capture and projection machines diverted or built from scratch, and is invested in various fields at the crossroads of the arts and sciences, bearing a particular interest at the crossing of disciplines and imaginary. Olivier Perriquet has a PhD in computational biology and graduated from Le Fresnoy-Studio National. He has been conducting research at the Center for Artificial Intelligence of the University of Lisbon and at the Department of Mathematical Linguistics of the University of Tarragona from 2006 to 2012, then guest artist at Duke University, Department of Art and Art History (Fulbright fellow). He is currently responsible for research at Le Fresnoy and teaches at the media/art school of Chalon-sur-SaƓne in France.